
Computer Engineering Student
I am currently a fourth year Computer Engineering student at the University of California Riverside and am on track to graduate with my bachelor's degree by 2022.
- School: University of California, Riverside
- Age:
Due to growing up with two civil engineering parents, I had an early exposure to the field of engineering. Ever since I was young, I would always say that I wanted to be a future engineer. However, I didn’t know my passion lied with computer engineering and programming until I took an engineering and robotics class my sophomore year of high school and programmed a robot arm to lift various different objects. Since then I have taken many different computer science and engineering courses where I have learned various programming languages such as Java, C++, JavaScript, C, and Python. I am also proficient in using Git/GitHub for monitoring my own projects and progress.
Noah Allen
Dedicated and hardworking Computer Engineering Student specialized in software and backend development. I am very passionnate about personal projects and creating cool and interesting stuff.
Bachelor of Science & Computer Engineering
2018 - 2022
University of California, Riverside
I am currently a Computer Engineering Student at the University of California Riverside. Here I have taken many computer science and engineering courses that have helped grow and refine my programming abilities.
- Current GPA: 3.77
- Received Dean's Honor List 7 Quarters
- Received Chancellor's List Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Professional Experience
zyBooks Content Employee at zyBooks
2021 - Present
Riverside, CA
- Evaluated coding challenge activities and test bank questions for correctness and suitability for courses such as operating systems, algorithms, and web development
- Provided editorial reviews using subject matter expertise to ensure content accuracy
Software Engineering Internship at SecureState.io
2021 - Present
Kirkland, WA
- Designed and implemented frontend development of the SecureState platform
- Created and managed product requirements document for Platform 2.0, including writing user stories and functional specifications.
Software Engineering Internship at Bloody
Summer of 2018 and 2019
Chino, CA
- Created a python program that analyzed the company’s promotional campaign data about 90% faster than their previous methods
- Wrote a monetary affiliate program that collected and organized data from eCommerce sites to track sales
Some projects I have made! All code can be found on my Github.
If you would like to reach out for any reason, feel free to fill out the contact form and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Chino Hills, California